-------------------------------------- |FM95 Tut. on how to add chara and BG| -------------------------------------- See this is what happens when nobody wrights a tut. about FM95! Now I'm making one!! Shame on you! Well after playing around a bit with FM95 I found out these things: Adding an existing Chara for 2 player mode: 1. Click on the players tab 2. Right click the white space on the left 3. Click add a player from file 4. Locate your *.player file Adding an existing Chara for 1 player mode: 1. Click on the players tab 2. Right click the white space on the left 3. Click add a player from file 4. Locate your *.player file 5. In the chara properties go to "win" 6. Mark the little button 7. Right click on the white space 8. Add you chara 9. Choose BG and AI(Computer intellegence) --you can define from here which background you want to use which gameover demo to select and the AI level of each character : of course you can add more characters to this and set their order as well as how many times you want to fight them-- How to add an existing background :: 1.Click on the background tab 2.Right click on the empty white space 3.Choose add a background from file 4.Locate your background How to add an existing demo :: 1.Click on the demo tab 2.Right click the white space to the left 3.Click on add a demo from file 4.Locate the demo 5.Click on properties to choose the music How do I add a sound to a background :: 1.Click on background 2.Click on sound 3.Click on your background 4.Check to see if the music you want is there if not right click 5.Locate your sound 6.Click on the properties tab 7.click the bgm arrow and choose your music How to add a win screen to a background :: 1.Click on background 2.Click on properties 3.Click on win screen and choose your win screen How to add a demo after I win but I dont want it to be the win screen:: 1.Click on the players tab 2.Click on properties 3.Click on win 4.Check the box 5.Right click and choose demo 6.Choose the demo you want. How to add a win quote:: 1.Click on the players tab 2.Click on properties 3.Click on victory message 4.Right click and add player text. Just remember that to start a game you must click on make game . Of course this will only work if you have set up everything thats required , either load up a premade game and add characters to it or look at the premade game and create something similar after seeing whats required. Any questions? Mail them to edwin_mietz@hotmail.com (c) By Cobra 2001 All rights reserved