Clothes changing tutorial By Magus989 Okay,this is a tutorial that can give you the ability to change clothes/your characters appearance whenever you want to.I am going to do this tutorial by making the character have two sets of clothes but if you want to add more use the same directions to add more.Okay,here we go. First go to your database and click on the Items tag.Name it something like wardrobe.Set it's classification as a switch.Make the price whatever you want.In the Use Number of Times,make it Limitless.In the Explanation make it say,Changes clothes or something like that.In the on switch make a switch called clothes and make it appear under it.In the Available at, check field. Okay doing good so far.Good.Now go to the common events tag.Pick an event number and name it Clothes.In the Event Start Condition make it Parallel Process.In the,Appearance Conditions Switch make it appear under the switch clothes/the switch you made earlier.Okay,now go in the events command box.Make a message saying,What clothes would you like to wear? After that go to show choice and make it say in one choice "Clothes1"and in choice 2 make it say"Clothes2"/ Remember that you can name the clothes whatever you want. Under the Clothes1 case set it to change heros walk graphic to whatever you want.Make sure that the character that you change it to looks like you hero but in different clothes.For example,if your hero is the Alex character in the RTP,make sure that when you change his walk graphic it still has his head but different clothes. Okay now in the Clothes2 case change the hero walk back to the original hero that you picked.This is what it should look like. <>Messg:What clothes would you like to wear? <>Show Choice:Clothes1/Clothes2 :[Clothes1]Case <>Change Hero's Walk Graphic:"Your character"->"Your other character" <> :[Clothes2]Case <>Change Hero's Walk Graphic:"Your character"->"Your other character" <> End:Case <>Change Switch:[0000:Clothes]-OFF Set <> Now make an event on the map and in the add Items box add Wardrobe.Whenever you use it it changes you clothes. If your hero is Alex,go to Don Miguels site and download the Alex Charset.That way you will have plenty of clothes to change him to. Good Luck to all you RPG Makers and thank Don for translating it so that we can use it. Willie/a.k.a Magus989