Werewolf Type Character Tutorial By Sk8terPunk4God

This is a pretty simple tutorial on how to create a Werewolf, Or any Other kind of morphing type character.

Ok First of all, you need to create two heros, one to be your character, and one to be whatever morph you want. for example, create two heros, one named "Joe" and one named "Werewolf". Alter their stats and their gfx however you want.

Next, create a new skill, set its classification to switch. Name it "Morph" Set its mp cost and everything. under "on switch", and make a new switch called "werewolf morph". Make sure the hero "joe" has the ability "morph" make sure it is only availible in the field, because it dosent work in battles.

Next, go to the "common events" tab. create a new common event called "wolf morph". set event start condition to "parallel process" , and set the appearance conditions switch to "werewolf morph" this is where it gets confusing.

In the "event commands" window, put in the following...

Change Party : add werewolf

Change party : remove joe

Message: joe is now in werewolf mode

Change switch: werewolf morph OFF

Change switch: werewolf timer ON

Now create a new common event, called "werwolf timer" set event start condition to "parallel process" , and the appearance conditions switch to "werewolf timer"

In the "event commands" window, put in the following...

Wait: 60.0 seconds

Message:joe is changing back into a human

Change party: remove werewolf

Change party: add joe

Change switch:werewolf timer OFF

*IN ENGLISH* Basicly, whenever the "joe" hero uses the "morph skill", he will change into the "werewolf" hero for 60 seconds, not counting battles or going into the menu. when the 60 seconds are up, he will change back, and thats all there is too it! =) You can spiff it up to, by adding battle animations and other things.

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