/\ / \ __ / _ _\__ |-| |-| --------- \|/ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| A GANTHORE MANUAL ---------------------------------------------------------- INDEX ---------------------------------------------------------- 1) HOW TO MAKE CHAR NOT APPEAR ON. SCREEN AT THE BEGINING OF YOUR GAME. 2) IMPORT MP3 MUSIC. 3) MAKE A BETTER INSTALL PROCESS. 4) VISIT MY SITE AND E-MAIL ME IF YOU HAVE TECH PROBLEMS OR SOME TIPS AND HINTS! ---------------------------------------------------------- 1) Okay. If you wana make a good intro without your char suddenly appearing and disappearing here is what you do. 1.At the character edit screen set your main char face,stats, etc. for the walk gfx set it to nothing at all. If you already did just set it to a unseen blank object like the one in the future set. You know, the green square with nothin in it! 2.Now to set the char walk gfx to what you want just set it to the one you want during or after the intro you make. Just go to change walk gfx on the event screen in an event and set it to the one you want. (NOTE): Don't set it to a change gfx in the move event screen. It dosen't work. ---------------------------------------------------------- 2) 1.Heres how you import a MP3 into your game. (WARNING): It takes a while in the game for the MP3 to start playing. 2.Now, Download a music converter. I suggest Music Match. Just go to www.musicmatch.com and download it. Now once you have a music format converter, take a MP3 of your choice and tell it to convert it form a MP3 to WAV file. Now just copy and paste the WAV file into the files where your game is. (REMEMBER): It will take a while for some MP3's to play during your game. ---------------------------------------------------------- 3) 1.You can make a better Install Program that works properly! Just go to www.clickteam.com and download their Install Maker Program. It's alot better than the Disk Maker for RPG Maker 2000. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4) FOR MORE GREAT TIPS AND TRICKS! Just e-mail me at Mark@boone.net I have a web site too. I'm gonna post my manuals there. Just go to www.silverstrike.cjb.net ---------------------------------------------------------- ~Mark Jack Austin (AKA): Ganthore AIM: Ganthore ICQ: 87395833 Yahoo: Markman44 Alternate E-mail: Markman44@hotmail.com