Hitchhiker's Tutorial #1 Contents: (1) a) Enemy Repel Item b) Moogle Charm Relic (2) Radar System (3) Jump command (4)Snowboarding Mini Game These are a few of the neat skills I have picked up along the way. I have decided to make a tutorial of my own to help others. You are going to need a decent foundation of variables, switches, common events, and set passwords. There are many great tutorials on Don's site to help you with those. This is my first tutorial, so bare with me. (1a) Enemy Repel Item This is a tutorial for making an item to repel enemies. This will also wear off after time. First, make an item called "Repel (or whatever you want)" Make this a switch item. Have it turn on switch "repel". Make a common event that is set to parallel process, and the conditions be switch "repel". Now for the commands, make it change the encounter rate. To totally eliminate the enemies set it to 0. To make it a lesser chance, make it a large number. Then, make it wait for as long as you want, then set the encounter rate back to how it was. Then, turn switch "repel" off. The code goes as follows: <>Encounter Rate: 0St <>Wait: 10.0s. ***Note: this can be changed*** <> Encounter Rate: 25St ***Note: This can also be changed if the encounter rate in your game is different.*** <>Change Switch: [####:repel]-OFF Set <> (1b) Moogle Charm Relic This will allow you to make an Accessory that acts as a moogle charm in FF6. In case you've never played FF6, this makes it so that when this item is equipped, there are no random battles. Make an item called "Moogle Charm" make it an "other" item. Now, make a common event set to parallel process. Make it require no switches. Have it set with a fork condition. Make sure the check box at the end is checked. Make it selected to "hero". Then click on ... Select "item", and then choose the item you want. Make the commands be to set the encounter rate to zero. Then, after excepting, make it set the encounter rate back how it was. <>Fork Option:Hero- Moogle Charm Equipment <>Encounter Rate: 0St. <> :Excepting Case <>Encounter Rate: 25St. <> :End Case <> (2) Radar System This will allow you make a radar system. This is very basic, and can easily be improved on. This makes the screen pulse between all black, and a green tint. This is set up to allow you to hit the escape key to activate this radar. First, create a parallel process event that sets the screen tone to normal. <>Set Screen Tone:(R100, G100, B100, S100),1.0sec(W) <> Next, make the command that allows you to activate it by the esc. Key. Make it parallel process. Make it enter password, and set it to the cancel key only. Now, under that, turn switch "radar" to On/Off. <>Enter Password: [####:radar] <>Change Switch: [####:radar]-ON/OFF Triger <> Then, make another event set to parallel process. Make this turn off the system menu. <>Disable System Menu: Disable <> Now, for the main part. The last item should be parallel process, and make the requirements for this event be switch "radar" Now, for the commands. Make it set the screen tone to totally black. Then make it wait for 0.7 sec. Then make it set the screen tone to a green tint. Then make it wait for another 0.5 sec. <>Set Screen Tone:(R000,G000,B000,S000),0.7sec(W) <>Wait: 0.7s. <>Set Screen Tone:(R000,G110,B000,S000),0.7sec(W) <>Wait: 0.5s. <> This should be all. (3) Jump Command This will use the set password command to let you jump. Make an event set to parallel process. Make a set password event set to the escape key, then a set hero movement. Make it start Jump, then move forward, then move forward, then end jump. That's it!!!! <>Enter Password: [####:jump] <>Set Chara's Movement: Hero , Start Jump , Forward , Forward , End Jump <> Simple!!! (4) Snowboarding mini game!!! This is easy. Just make a parallel process event that moves the hero down, and then waits for 0.2 sec. This is really easy. The code is: <>Set Chara's Movement: Hero , Down <>Wait: 0.2s. <> This makes the character just move down continuosly, but lets you move around. Make the character graphic for this portion of the game have his back graphic the same as his front graphic. This makes it look best. You can also program set passwords for tricks and stuff. Ok, that's it for now. I tried to explain some neat features to put into your game. I'm not very good at explaining, so if you need additional help, email me at Hitchhiker427@aol.com. Well, enjoy yourselves.