----*-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-*---- THE LEDGEND OF ZELDA ON RPG MAKER 2000 PART2 My guide to making a great zelda game on RM2K. Now the series will have over 5 parts to it so here is part 2. Also this is copyrighted material if you wanna use it you must email me pgmn_mikeyc@hotmail.com Now Welcome to Mikey's Guide Part 2: Press Space and Shows a sword! As you all know The zelda game has a diffrent system to RM2K but you can make a cool game like it. Here is how you make a Sword show when you equipe it and press space! In DATABASE you go to items and make "sword" and make sure the clasifcation is "switch" call the switch sword on! It is avadible at feild.... Now taht you have done that draw a sword on Link2.png (that is the best link) and Save as Linksword.png Common Event:Sword Event Start:PP(Paraelle Proccess) Event Starts On: Sword On! Enter Password:Sworduse Fork Option:Hero - DW Face Change Hero walk graphic Linksword Set Wait 1.0s Change Hero Walk graphic Link2 Set End Case Enter Password:Sworduse Fork Option:Hero -UP Face Change Hero walk graphic Linksword Set Wait 1.0s Change Hero Walk graphic Link2 Set End Case Enter Password:Sworduse Fork Option:Hero -RT Face Change Hero walk graphic Linksword Set Wait 1.0s Change Hero Walk graphic Link2 Set End Case Enter Password:Sworduse Fork Option:Hero - Lf Face Change Hero walk graphic Linksword Set Wait 1.0s Change Hero Walk graphic Link2 Set End Case What all this does is if hero is facing down change Walk GFX to that one with the sword for a second. -MikeyC The Ledgend Of Zelda: On RM2K Series 1-The Basic 3 Hearts 2-Press Space and a sword shows 3-Battle A Guard with a Sword 4-Add an Extra Heart 5-Using a Bow 6-Using a Bomb 7-A Guard using a Bomb 8-Learn how Navi System can be used... 9-N/A Copyright MikeyC