by: Hitchhiker
Alright, first off, this is an advanced way of using the timer tutorial. If you're not familiar with this tutorial, it's an excellent tutorial made by Stephen Armstrong. Go see it here. Ok, this is a great tutorial and all, but there is a way to make it look better. When you play final fantasy, or whatever your favorite RPG is out there, it's not displayed in:
#seconds, # minutes, and # hours
It's displayed much like this:
As easy as this is to do, it may look like:
Or, you could use fork options so it looks like this:
This is the way we will make it look. This may be an easy concept, so this tutorial is mainly for people new to RM2K.
1) First off, use Stephen Armstrong's timer tutorial. But, leave off the message part. This will be the part you will change.
2) Now, find the event you want to use to display the playing time. This could be a common event, watch, normal event, or whatever you wish to use.
3) Alright, now for some scripting!! Yay! alright, first off, make a fork condition. Make it's conditions that the variable Timer Seconds is less than or equal to 9. (do this by selecting below int eh dropdown box). make sure you click the box at the bottom.
4) Now, make another fork condition. do the exact same thing as before, but instead of using the Timer Seconds variable, use the Timer Minutes variable. make sure it is below or equal to 9, and the box is checked. alright, now onto step 5!
5) Now, under the two fork conditions, but above any Else cases, add in a message that says:
\v[hours #]:0\v[minutes #]:0\v[seconds #]
This will make it look like:
However, this will only happen if the minutes and seconds are both under 10.
6) After the else case, do the exact same thing, only make it look like
\v[hours #]:\v[minutes #]:0\v[seconds #]
By now, you should be understanding where this is going
7) After the next else case, make another fork option exactly equal to the one in step 4. This will see if the minutes variable is less than or equal to 9, when the seconds have two digits.
8) now, make a message that looks like:
\v[hours #]:0\v[minutes #]:\v[seconds #]
9) yet again, make another message after the else case that looks like:
\v[hours #]:\v[minutes #]:\v[seconds #]
10) Script:
<> FORK Optn:Varbl[####: Timer Seconds]-9less
<> FORK Optn:Varbl[####: Timer minutes]-9less
<>Messg:\v[hours #]:0\v[minutes #]:0\v[seconds #]
:Else Case
<>Messg:\v[hours #]:0\v[minutes #]:0\v[seconds #]
:End Case
: Else Case
<> FORK Optn:Varbl[####: Timer minutes]-9less
<>Messg:\v[hours #]:0\v[minutes #]:\v[seconds #]
:Else Case
<>Messg:\v[hours #]:\v[minutes #]:\v[seconds #]
:End Case
:End Case