+===========================+ | | | SHOO+ING RANGE | | MINIGAME | +===========================+ An RPG Maker 2000 Tutorial By Alpha/Omega Productions A.K.A. Robert Hicks Talk is cheap and it is very early in the morning so let's get to it. You will need to understand variables and the set password system and ignore my awful spelling. Step1. Crate a map (we'll say 20X15 but it doesn't matter) 2. Create 7 variables. 2 for the crosshairs X&Y, 2 for the target X&Y, 2 for the target reloc and 1 for the set pswd. I'll call these varaibles AimX, AimY, HitX, HitY, RelocX, RelocY and Cmd. 3. Now craeate a event to be the target. The commands in this event are the acutal hit and miss system. It's commands read as follows: START CODITION: paralell process LEVEL: doesn't matter ANIM TYPE: doesn't matter MOVMENT: Random SPEED& FREQUENCY don't matter unless you want a moving target. COMMANDS: <>FORK Optn: Varb(Cmd.)=5 <>Variable Change(HitX)Set, This event, X coordinate <>Variable Change(HitY)Set, This event, Y coordinate <>FORK Optn: Varb(AimX) = V(HitX) <>FORK Optn: Varb(AimY) = V(HitY) <>Show Battle Anim [this is the hit anim], this event <>Variable Change(RelocX)Set, Random(0-[map's horizontal width]) <>Variable Change(RelocY)Set, Random(0-[map's vertical height]) <>Set event's Place: this event, (Xcoord=RelocX, Ycoord=RelocY) <> END Case <> END Case <> End Case <> You can make as many of these as you want but you need a seperate set of Hit and Reloc variables for each. If you want you can add a score counter varaible after the hit anim. Step4. Create an invisible event called "shot" Step5. Now for the aiming and shooting system. Create another event that reads as follows. START CONDITION: Push Key LEVEL: Same level as hero ANIM TYPE: without stepping MOVMENT: Stay still SFEED & FREQ: don't matter COMMANDS <>Stop All [remove if target is moving, may have unknown results] <>Variable Change(AimX) Set, Hero X coordinate <>Variable Change(AimY) Set, Hero Y coordinate <>Wait 0.2sec <(optional)> Show pic: 1, Crosshairs, (160,120) <>CYCLE <>Enter Password: (Cmd.) [set it to react to up, down, left, right, decision, and cancel] <>FORK Optn: Varb(Cmd.)=1 <>Variable Change(AimY)+1 <>Pan Screen: Down: 1 chip, speed4 (W) <> END Case <>FORK Optn: Varb(Cmd.)=2 <>Variable Change(AimX)-1 <>Pan Screen: Left: 1 chip, Speed4 (W) <> END Case <>FORK Optn: Varb(Cmd.)=3 <>Variable Change(AimX)+1 <>Pan Screen: Right: 1 chip, Speed4 (W) <> END Case <>FORK Optn: Varb(Cmd.)=4 <>Variable Change(AimY)-1 <>Pan Screen: Up: 1 chip, Speed4 (W) <> END Case <>FORK Optn: Varb(Cmd.)=6 <>Pan Screen: Return Position: Speed6 (W) <>Move All <>Erase Picture: 1 <>BREAK Cycle <> END Case <>Set event's Place: Shot, (Xcoord=AimX, Ycoord=AimY) <> END Cycle SHO*TING GALLERY CONTROLS: ===*==**===*======*==*====* Up: Sight moves up Down: Sight moves down Left & Right: Obvious, isn't it? [esc] End game [space] shoot This system is open for adjustments but changes may have odd results. If you use my codes in your game please give me credit.