Rm2k - Database Manual v.1.0 by junoDark

This Manual extensively covers most of the database options in Rm2k. Designed for beginners and/or other designers who need assistance in learning the capabilities and usages of the Rm2k Database. The Database contains most all of the general composition of any Rm2k game. From the Database, the designer accesses and modifies a lot of things in the following areas.

Database Sections:

1. Hero
2. Skills
3. Items
4. Monsters
5. M.Party
6. Attributes
7. Conditions
8. Battle
9. Terrain
10. ChipSets
11. Vocabulary
12. System
13. Common Events

Section 1 - 'Hero'

The first section of the Database is named 'Hero'. To the left there is an area titles 'Hero Party' where you can choose which hero you want to edit. The 'max field number' button at the bottom allows you to customize the max number of heroes that can be stored in this section. The options that can be changed for a character are:
Name- enter the character's name.
Degree- enter what your character is. (example- Wizard, Kid, Super Hero, etc.)
Select Walk Graphic- choose which character you want to use. (additional option: transparency..)
Initial Level- choose the level that you want this character to start on (1-50).
Max Level- choose the level that you want this character to be able to achieve (1-50).
Certain Kill Probability- I assume this means the % chance that the hero will kill enemies, possibly in one hit.
Select Face Graphic- Choose what picture can be displayed as your character in messages and other places.
Option- 2 Sword Style- I assume this means that the character can hold 2 weapons.
Equipment Fix- I assume this means the equipment is a 'fixed' selection, (ie: non changeable).
Control by AI- Makes the character automatically controlled in the combats.
Strong Def- Should be self Explanatory. :)
Curve of Abilities- Set the curve at which this character will strengthen in the following areas- Max HP, Max MP, Attack Power, Defense Power, Mind Force, Agility. Click on the graph box to edit curve. It is rather simple. In the curve editing mode, there are also options to set the curve automatically.
NOTE: In the Attack Power, Defense Power, Mind Force, and Agility editors, the max amount of strength (999) goes high above the area in which you can view the graph. You can still set it higher with the options though by using the 'create curve' button in the editor.
Curve of Experience- set the amount of EXP needed to level up. Again, pretty easy to figure out.
Initial Equipment- the equipment that this character will start out with in the following areas- arms, shield, armor, helmet, other. Simple to change.
Unarmed Battle Animation- the attack animation that will occur when you use your standard 'attack' in combat (assumed :).
Skills- the skills that this character will start out with. Double click in area to add, or delete. Also, you can choose the level of the skill.
Tech Skill Slot Name- This is what the skills will be under in the combats. (Ex- Magic, Sorcery, Moves, etc..)
Condition Effect- Customized in the Conditions Section. Click on the letter (A-E) to the left of each condition to change it. This controls the effect of each condition. In the Conditions Section you can set how much damage each letter does.
Afflicted Condition- Customized in the Attributes Section. Click on the letter (A-E) to the left of each weapon to change it. This controls the effect with each weapon. In the Attributes Section you can set how much each letter is linked to.

That is all there is to the 'Hero' section of the Database. Now you should completely understand how to create your character(s) for your game. You should be ready to move on to the next section, 'Skills'.

Section 2- 'Skills'

To the left of this section, there is a list of skills, titles 'Tech Skills/Magic'. This is where you choose which skill to edit. Under this list is a 'max field number' button which allows you to set the max number of skills which you can have available in the above menu. To the right of this menu is where all of the skill customization will be done:
Name- Enter the skill's name.
Classification- Select between Norm, Teleport, Escape, or Switch. Teleport and Escape selections will have far less to customize, but the things that will be left are among those explained in the rest of this section of this tutorial, except for 'Select Sound Effect'. (self explanatory :) Using the Switch option here will allow you to activate a switch when a certain skill is used. Another unique options accessed if you choose the Switch option is "Available at -field or -battle. This lets you choose where this magic can be used, either in battle, or out of battle, or both.
MP Cost- Amount of MP which is required to perform the skill.
Explanation- Simple description of the skill that will explain its effects to the player in menu systems.
Effect Range- Choose who the skill effects... either 1 enemy, all enemies, user, ally, or your whole party. Note that later options in this Section will alter depending on whether you choose for it to effect the bad guys or the good guys, but we will discuss this later on.
Using Message- enter what you want it to say when the move is used in combat. The character name is already entered, just put the end of the sentence. (Example: if you want it to say 'Bill used FlameThrower!", You would just put " used FlameThrower!" because Bill is already provided :).
Chant, Leave, Used- These are just preset messages I assume, not too useful, at least not for me :).
Mistake Message- Enter what you want it to say when the skill fails to work. The Target Person's Name is already provided, so you simply choose the word that you want it to finish the message with out of the 4 options. Note: these 4 options can be changed in the Vocabulary Section of the Database.
Battle Animation- Here you select the animation for the skill you are editing. You simply choose from the options, which can be edited in the Battle Section of the Database.
Blow Related Times- Set on a scale of 1-10 how much the physical strength of your character will determine the effect of the skill.
Mind Related Counter- Set on a scale of 1-10 how much the Mind Force of your character will determine the effect of the skill.
Variance- Set on a scale of 1-10 how much the effect of the skill may vary.
Basis Effect Number- The base amount of damage the skill will cause.
Basis Hit Ratio- Set what % of the time the move will be effective, or work successfully.
Ability Down (Ability up if the skill effects any member(s) of your party)- Set which of these will be effected by the skill. Ex: If the effect is on enemy, and you want 10 Hp to be lost by enemy(s), just check "Hp" under Ability Down, and enter '10' in the Basis Hit #. Ex: If you want 10 Mp to be restored to Ally, check ally under effect range, then put '10' in the basis hit #, and check Mp under Ability Up. You can check multiple options under the ability up (or down) part. The 2 options on this list that you may not be familiar with are 'absorption' and 'defense ignore'. Absorption is the ability to gain the HP that is lost by the oponent. Defence Ignore is the ability for attacks to do set damage regardless of any defense.
Ghost Condition- Set what condition the skill will cause. Most skills don't cause conditions, but some do, like Poision for example.
Attack- Set what type of attack this skill will be classified under. Ex: Burn would be most likely a 'flame' type attack, etc.
Defense Down- Check this box if you want this skill to lower the target's defense.

Now you know how to customize skills easily, so you can get to work creating all types of skills with various effects. Imagination and originality is the limit when it comes to creating skills, most everything is possible and available, so have fun, and then continue on to the next section, 'Items'.

Section 3- 'Items'

If you easily understood the 'Skills' Section Tutorial, most other sections should be simple, since the Skills section has some of the more complex settings.
To the left of this 'Skills' section, there is a menu titles "Items/Weapons". Here you can choose from the available items/weapons to edit. Below the menu is a 'max field number' button, which, as usual allows you to set the maximum amount of items/weapons that will be available in the above menu.
To the right, you have the list of options available where you can easily customize each item/weapon.
Name- Give the item/weapon a name.
Classification- This is what greatly alters the options. Choose from the list to decide what kind of item/weapon you want this to be.
Price- Set the price for the item/weapon.
Explanation- Describe this item/weapon, will be used to tell the player about it in menu systems.
NOTE: Depending on what classification you chose, there may be more options, but it would take a great amount of time/space to fully describe each option in this tutorial. I will briefly touch on a few of the common options though:
If you encounter a menu titles 'hero possible equipment' or 'hero enabled exorcism', just check which character(s) you want to be able to use this item / weapon.
# of ability change- just set how much you want each area to change when this item/weapon is used.
Change state- You can change the condition.. Normal, poison, sleep, etc.
Most other options are self explanatory, but if you have questions about them or don't understand, just email me ( timberwolf64@hotmail.com ) or go to this site's chat room or forum.

You should now be ready to continue on past the item section to the 'Monsters' Section of the Database.

Section 4 - 'Monsters'

This section is rather simple really. To the left is a menu titled Monsters Editor. In the menu is the list of monsters that you can choose and edit. Below is the always present max field number button, allowing you to set the max number to be available in the above menu :).
All options are to the right as usual:
Name- Name the monster (be creative:).
Select Monster Graphic- choose its appearance from available pics.
Ability Value- Set these areas to make the monster hard/easy. You can set the monsters Max HP, Max MP, Attack Power, Defense Power, Agility, Mind Force. Basic Stuff.
War Profit Goods- Set the EXP and money received by player if combat is won. You can also set an item that may be received. and what % of the time that item is dropped by enemy.
Certain Kill Probability- I assume it is % chance of monster killing player in one hit?
Option Common Attack Miss- Check if you want attacks to miss often.
OTHER 2 Menus: Condition Effect & Afflicted Condition --- See the last part of the Hero Section Tutorial, same concept except dealing with monsters.
Attack Pattern- Set the pattern in which the monster will attack in the combats. Double click in menu area to add/change/delete attacks. I'm not covering the Attack choice menu, I don't know enough about it yet, but you can probably learn more in the forums or chat. Most of it is self explanatory, but some is more complicated.

That's pretty much all there is to the Monsters section, you should be ready to move on to the 'M.Party' Section of the Database by now.

Section 5- 'M.Party'

This section lets you customize the monster parties that the player will encounter in your game. To the left is a menu titled "Monster Party". It has the list of parties that you can edit, and there is the max field number button to change the maximum number that are available in the above menu.
Options are to the right as always :)
Name- You can name the Monster Party as you wish.
Auto Name Group- restores default name to monster party group that you are editing.
Battle Test- You can conveniently test battle the monster party that you are editing.
Change BG- Change the Background for this monster party.
The menu below is the list of monsters, you can add a monster to the left background, or multiple monsters. Click on the monster to the left and then on delete to remove it, or click clear all to remove all monsters from the background. Click "in row" to line up the monsters on the background to the left.
Live In- Choose the general type of area where this monster party will tend to dwell.
Battle Events- This is just events that are triggered in battle, by a number of things (like switches). If you are familiar with events and other general set up options, you shouldn't have trouble using battle events. They are just like events that happen in battle, but there aren't ALL of the usual event options, simply because a lot of them wouldn't do anything in battle. Ex: If you want a conversation to take place between the hero and the enemy after the hero is getting very weak, you can do so using a battle event. (set trigger to the one where Hero's HP is low.... and then put desired messages in event commands, etc)

Mastering the battle events will likely be the most difficult part of this section, but with a little practice you should be able to handle it. Once you have it all figured out, you can go to the next section... 'Attributes'.

Section 6-'Attributes'

This is the section linked to the Hero and Monsters Sections of the Database. It simply sets the value of each letter (A-E) that can be set to each attribute. You can set max field number as usual to have more/less attributes.
You can also name each attribute and set it to either 'arms attribute' or 'magic attribute'.
Not much on this section. On to the next.. 'Conditions'...

Section 7-'Conditions'

This is the section linked to the Hero and Monsters Sections of the Database. To the left is the menu titled "conditions" which contains the existing conditions that you may choose from to edit. You can set the max number of conditions that will be available in this menu by clicking on the 'max field number' button below the menu.
Name- Name the condition. (Ex: poison)
Classification- Choose either move effect or combat effect. I think choosing move effect makes it effect you both in combat and when moving.
Colour- The color resembling the condition you are editing.
Plaque Rate- This is the rate at which the condition will take away HP and/or MP from the player. You set the values to each letter (A-E) and the letters are linked back to the Hero and Monsters sections of the database where you can set each condition to a letter (A-E).
Cure Method:
Nature Recovery- Here it should say "Worst ____ Continue Turn ______% Cure Probability.
Okay, set the number of turns you want the condition to naturally last in the first box (after the word "worst". This is the number of turns that the condition will last before there is a change of it wearing off. In the place below, you set the % 
chance that the condition will wear off after the number of turns that you set in 
the box above. Ex: If you set 3 in the top box and 20 in the bottom box, there will 
be a 20 % chance the condition will wear off each turn after the first 3 turns.
Shock from Healing- I think this is the % chance that the cure will wear off when the character is
physically attacked.
Ally State Message- This is just where you enter what you want the status messages to say, there are 5 separate boxes where you can customize the condition's status messages.
Preference- I'm not positive, but I think this is where you set the % effectiveness of the condition.
Action Limitation- Here you set the type of effect that the condition has. Ex: If you are making a "confused" condition, you would most likely set this to "common ally attack".
Half Ability Cost- Choose if you want any of the character's abilities to be cut in half by this condition.
Change Hit Rate- Change the % chance that the one effected by this condition will be able to attack successfully.
Use Smart Chang. Skill:
Blow Relate- I think this sets how much of the character's physical strength will attribute to the effect when they are under this condition.
Mind Relate- I think this sets how much of the character's mind force strength will attribute to the effect when they are under this condition.
Decreases HP each Battle Turn- You can set how much HP is taken away each turn in battle when the character is effected by this condition. You can set either what % is taken, or how many points, or you can even combine the 2 ways. Ex: 10 % of HP taken away and 5 points taken away. So if there was 100 HP, then 10 would have been taken away, and 5, for a total of 15 taken away.
Decrease HP each move at MAP- You can set it so that the character who is effected by this condition will loose HP while walking in the map areas. The option is set up like this: ____ Every Walk _____ P. You put the number of steps in the first box, and how many points will be taken away in the 2nd box. Ex: If you put 5 in the first box and 2 in the second box, then the character with this condition will loose 2 HP every 5 steps.
Decr.MP: ( just the same as Decr.HP but with MP..)
Decreases MP each Battle Turn- You can set how much MP is taken away each turn in battle when the character is effected by this condition. You can set either what % is taken, or how many points, or you can even combine the 2 ways. Ex: 10 % of MP taken away and 5 points taken away. So if there was 100 MP, then 10 would have been taken away, and 5, for a total of 15 taken away.
Decrease MP each move at MAP- You can set it so that the character who is effected by this condition will loose MP while walking in the map areas. The option is set up like this: ____ Every Walk _____ P. You put the number of steps in the first box, and how many points will be taken away in the 2nd box. Ex: If you put 5 in the first box and 2 in the second box, then the character with this condition will loose 2 MP every 5 steps.

Ok, that is all there is to the Conditions section! Now that you know how to fully operate all of the sections up to 'Conditions', you should be ready for the 'Battle' section..

Section 8- 'Battle'

To the left is the 'Battle Animation' menu that allows you to choose which animation you will edit. Below is a max field number button so you can choose the max number of available animations in the above menu. Options are all at the right.
Name- Name the animation.
Select Battle Animation- Here you can choose which animation this move will use by clicking on the '...' button.
Target Victim- You can choose which monster is on the diagram in the middle of the area. This is so you can test your animations on different monsters.
Frame No- set how many frames will make up the animation.
SE Animation Timing- double click in the menu to set a sound effect to play at the frame which you choose. You can also set a flash to occur at a certain frame, either flashing just the opponent, or the entire screen, and even the color of the flash.
Apply Scope- Choose Single to have both vertical and horizontal green lines in background of central diagram, or choose 'all' to have just a vertical line. I'm not sure what the use of this option is :)
Y Coord. Line- Set where the horizontal line is in the central diagram, either at the bottom of the monster, the middle, or the top.
Frame- Choose which frame is displayed at the central diagram to the right.
In the central diagram you can move around the animation pics to where they look most appropriate. They should be outlined by a box which you can drag to different areas of the diagram. The options at the right of the central diagram are just used to further edit the animation sequence, and I won't go into detail on those. The Get Previous button simply pulls the animation from the previous frame. The Play back button plays the animation. If you need help with the middle three buttons, ask in the forums or chat. To add frames of animation, go to the frame you want to edit, and you can click on the animation frames at the bottom and then click on the central diagram to add them to that frame as you wish. Then you can continue on with the other frames, etc.

That covers the main part of the Battle section, now lets look at the 'Terrain' Section.

Section 9- 'Terrain'

To the left of this section is a menu titled 'Terrain Editor', you choose the terrain you wish to edit from this menu. Below is a 'max field number' button which allows you to set the max number of terrains available in the above menu. Options are at the right side.
Name- Name the terrain.
Damage- Set how much damage the terrain does to the character. (Ex: If it is a volcano type area where it is very hot, there may be damage that occurs to character due to environment)
Enemy Magnify A- Set if the enemies are magnified bigger/smaller on this particular background.
Select Battle Background- Shows the background you are setting, click on "set" to change it.
Possibility- I think this is for the different vehicle's movement across the particular terrain type, but I'm not sure.
Common Chara Display Method- I assume this is so that you can set the enemies appearance on this particular background, either so that you can see only the top half, the top 2/3, or the whole enemy (normal). Semi Transparent Body probably makes the enemy see through.

That's all for the Terrain Section, lets go to the 'ChipSets' Section.

Section 10- 'ChipSets'

At left is the menu titled "ChipSets Editor" where you choose which ChipSets to edit. Below is the max field number button so you can adjust the max number available in above menu.
Name- Name the set.
Select ChipSet Graphics- Click on '...' button to change ChipSets.
Lower Chip / Chip Above- Changes which section of chipset you will edit below.
Lower Chip: 
Terrain Type- To the right is a Terrain menu with types of terrain identified with a number. Notice that the chipset displayed to the left of this menu has each chip with a number on it. This sets each tile to a certain terrain type. To change number/terrain type, just click on the one in the Terrain menu that you want to use, and then click on a tile at the left to change it to that number.
Block Pass- Click this to set which tiles can not be walked over. X means you can't walk over it, O means you can walk over it.
Pass 4 Dir.- Set which ways the character can walk on tile, click arrow/dot to change between the 2.
Sea Chip Animation Type- set the water animation to either fast / slow, and the pattern of animation.
Chip Above:
Block Pass- see Block Pass Section of Lower Chip (above).
Pass 4 Dir.- see Pass 4 Dir. Section of Lower Chip (above).
Context Counter- You can set a tile so that you can talk to a character through it by clicking on the tile to make the Diamond symbol. Ex: Talking to a shopkeeper across a counter.

That's all for the ChipSets Section, time for the 'Vocabulary' Section..

Section 11- 'Vocabulary

This section is self explanatory all together. You just add in the text into the boxes to customize the messages. Remember that in many boxes you need to start off with a space so that the words won't run together. The Vocabulary section is very useful and a critical part of the game. Messages need to be clear and effective. Use this section to make the messages more fitting for your game.

Section 12- 'System'

Again, this section is simple and self explanatory. Set Vehicle graphics, set the title screen pic, and the game over pic. Also choose the members that will start out in your party, the Back Ground Music, the Sound Effects, the system graphics (arrows and stuff), and the screen switch options. Easy and cool.

Section 13- 'Common Events'

The last section! Finally. To the left is the list of 'Common Events'. You have a max field number button at the bottom to set max number of common events that are available in the above menu. The options at right include...
Name- Name the common event.
Event start condition- Set what triggers this common event.
Appearance Conditions Switch- You can set a switch here so that the event commands below will only occur if the switch is on.
You should be able to handle the event commands since they are the same as what you are used to.
Basically, Common Events are just events that can happen universally. You will find many uses for these convenient events.

That's it! You should now know how to edit all the database options with ease to make your game what you want it to be! Thanks for reading this rather massive Tutorial, and I hope it helped you out. If you have any further questions, please visit the forums or chat, I will possibly be there to help, along with many other users. If any of the info in this Tutorial is incorrect, I am very sorry. Please notify me ( timberwolf64@hotmail.com ) and corrections will hopefully be made ASAP.

Thanks again, and good luck. --6-28-00---1:53pmCST--
(c) junoDark

Revised by don Miguel ^__^ Yo guys!!! It was coooool FAQ!

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